
Physical Education



Why do we teach this? Why do we teach it in the way we do? 

At Fowey School, we want our children to be happier, healthier and stronger. Through PE and Sport, we aim to inspire and encourage pupils to see exercise as essential to both their physical and mental health. We fully adhere to the aims of the national curriculum for physical education to ensure that all pupils: 

• develop competence to excel in a broad range of physical activities 

• are physically active for sustained periods of time 

• engage in competitive sports and activities 

• lead healthy, active lives 

Our intention is that our PE curriculum will be closely linked to all the opportunities that we offer to be physically active. We encourage our children to try our range of extra-curricular clubs, where they can exercise, experience new sports for the first time and can compete within teams. We are committed to all school sport festivals and competitions and want our children to feel the sense of pride that comes with representing their school. 


What do we teach? What does this look like? 

At Fowey School, we believe that children are entitled to a high-quality PE education. To achieve this, each year group follows the GetSet4Education: PE scheme of work, which aligns with our core values, our whole child approach to PE and the objectives laid out in the National Curriculum. Get Set 4 PE is planned so that progression is built into the scheme which ensures our children are increasingly challenged as they move up through the school. It enables our teachers to deliver the PE National Curriculum effectively by teaching units on: Athletics, Ball Skills, Gymnastics, Dance, Invasion Games, Net and Wall Games and Striking and Fielding. We are very fortunate to have access to our local river and the coast. So, we develop our children’s outdoor adventure skills with kayaking and sailing activities. We also implement these activities into any residential trips we organise. Our PE curriculum is mapped out across each year group, and key stage. The skills and knowledge that the children need are developed systematically, with the programme of study for each year group building on previous learning and preparing for subsequent years. This ensures that we build skills and knowledge progressively. We teach lessons so that children: 

  • develop fundamental movement skills 
  • improve their agility, balance and coordination 
  • engage in competitive and co-operative physical activities, in a range of increasingly challenging situations. 
  • enjoy communicating, collaborating and competing with each other.

 At Fowey School we recognise the importance of swimming in a county surrounded by water. Therefore, we have committed to developing our swimmers to the national minimum requirements. We pride ourselves on achieving outstanding results and fostering life-long enjoyment. 

To keep our children active, we commit to teaching PE every week. We are very well resourced, including a comprehensive range of gymnastics equipment that can be used in the hall. PE is a valued subject at Fowey School. Our teachers are supported by a PE lead teacher and a Sports HLTA. Fowey School have also been supported by PE Specialist teachers to both lead PE sessions and to assist professional development within the school. 

All children have the opportunity to participate in PE at their own level of development, with teachers ensuring that lessons cater for individual needs. We do this modifying our provision using the STEP (Space, Task, Equipment, People) principle. As well as securing and building on a range of skills, children develop knowledge of the basic rules of a range of games and can practice this in small-sided game situations. 

There is an extensive extra-curricular offer at Fowey School. Many of these are linked to games and skills taught during PE. We also encourage children to enter inter school competitions and participate in festivals where they get to practice and develop their skills further. In addition, we provide opportunities for our children to work with external sports coaches. This may be the chance to try a new activity or to build expertise to take into competitions and festivals. 


What will this look like? By the time children leave our school they will: 

At Fowey School we have a passion for PE. By the time children leave our school they will have built a lifelong foundation for physical activity and an enthusiasm for leading healthy and active lives. 

They will see exercise as fun and will be excited about the new opportunities and challenges of PE and sports at secondary school. As well as developing the necessary skills, our children will have had rich experiences of co-operation, problem solving, creativity and teamwork. 

Throughout school, children will be able to attend extra-curricular clubs. We will keep records on attendance and will actively encourage participation to ensure that all our children have these opportunities. We will also promote chances to represent their school. We will have willing, determined and resilient children that have the necessary skills to compete against children from other schools. As a result, Fowey School will continue to enjoy sporting success. We will be able to demonstrate the positive impact of our PE curriculum in local, area and county competitions.