

Our Curriculum

The purpose of our curriculum at Fowey Primary School is to open the door to the world beyond our town for our children. We want children who leave Fowey Primary School to have a sense of place and to be full of knowledge and wonder for the world they live in,  ready to take on challenges with confidence and pride. 


Core knowledge is identified for individual themes and revisited in a variety of ways to support children’s acquisition of knowledge and skills. We ensure children know more, remember more, and make more links with prior learning so that they have the opportunity to consolidate their thoughts and ideas


Our priority is to enable the children to succeed in the 21st Century by providing a rich, relevant and exciting curriculum. In doing so the children will develop a lifelong love of learning. Reading for information and pleasure, writing for different purposes, being able to apply their maths skills to real life situations and being able to explain, analyse and persuade, is at the heart of what we do. Our approach to delivering a creative knowledge and skill rich curriculum ensures that we fully implement the National Curriculum.


We use our 4 pillars to plan out curriculum areas and ensure all children have access to a full and broad curriculum.


Pupils make excellent progress toward ambitious curriculum goals

We think carefully about what the children need to be able to do, know and say at each point in their learning to succeed. This sequence ensures that pupils spiral back to key concepts and ideas throughout their learning within a subject, and these concepts get progressively more complex over time.

Knowledge rich, embedding skills deeply and durably

We ensure that we are developing substantive and disciplinary knowledge throughout the subject areas. The knowledge that pupils need is clearly mapped, and regular retrieval ensures that this is learnt and remembered over time. Direct instruction and the use of questioning, alongside opportunities to practice and rehearse ensure the durability and flexibility of the learning. Our teaching and learning ensures that teachers have the strategies needed to create change in pupils' long-term memory

Language rich for developing speaking and listening for effective communication.

We think clearly about how we communicate knowledge and information. We ensure all learners have clear overviews that support the delivery of the subject. Instructional coaching helps staff to adapt, scaffold and stretch the curriculum resources to ensure it meets the needs of all learners. Where possible visits and visitors are used to help embed the learning. Children have opportunities to celebrate their work with presentations, performances and conversations.

Aspirational, inclusive, and diverse content and our CARE values

We want the best for our pupils and have high expectations for all pupils at all times Our curriculum is diverse across all subject areas, both within the units and across them, thinking carefully about not only the knowledge that the children learn but how that is constructed. Our curriculum is inclusive and accessible  to all pupils, with careful scaffolding, flexible groupings, adapted teaching and additional support when needed.

Our CARE values ensure that we have a progression of values and personal development across all year groups.